An introduction in English: my reasons why I vote for Pekka Haavisto! :)

Hello there! 

This post is my first one in English on this my "political" blog. Hope you like it :)

A few reasons why I am voting for Pekka Haavisto in these presidential elections:

 He is experienced and very diplomatic. He is smart and has a lot of experience of many aspects of life (he is 65 years old now). He wants to protect/save the planet, all creatures great and small, in short: He want to keep nature clean and help change the climate change so the children who are growing up now will have a planet to live on, when us old-timers leave <3

 He is against racism and bullying, discrimination of any kind in fact. He is calm and collected, friendly and has good manners. Also he has pretty good taste in music. ;) He speaks many languages too so he is a fellow polyglot of mine :) So, if you want to help keep Finland safe and inclusive, vote for number 10! :) Pekka Haavisto presidentiksi 2024!

He also has a good heart. He sees people, we are all valuable and important. When I come to meet him at some parties (with my party lol) or on the city's square, he is genuinely interested in what I and what all of us people in Finland have to say. 

More later! :) 


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